My Mission

Since I was very young, I have felt called to help humanity and Earth. As a Cancer sun (and moon) I am highly sensitive to the world around me - and because of this, I’ve had my own struggles over the years of feeling depressed and even suicidal throughout my late teens into early adulthood. I often felt like an alien on this planet, wanting to return home - away from the violent, oppressive energies of the collective unconscious here on Earth.

Connecting with the natural world around me brought me back into a conversation with myself and the Universe that I didn’t even realize I was disconnected from. The more I opened myself up to that dialogue over the years, the more I began to heal my relationship with myself and the Earth. I was able to heal from childhood trauma that I had suppressed in my psyche for years, and began to truly step into the medicine I was meant to bring into this world.

It is my heart’s deepest desire to share with you all the tools, resources, and practices that have helped me along my journey - in order that you may experience your own empowered journey of healing. We do this in co-creation with one another, as individual sovereign beings coming together to alchemize and transmute the pain + suffering you’ve taken on from this world and call back your beautiful, vibrant spirit.

Who is this work for?

This work is for EVERYONE. We are all human beings having a human experience, and all of us have been affected by this powerful global shift that is continually disconnecting us from remembering the truth of who we are. I believe it is our Divine Right as Earth beings to awaken to and remember these sacred truths.

The wonderful thing about plant medicine is that it does not care about your social status, background, trauma history, or ancestral dynamics…the spirit of the plant will work with you just as it needs to, seeing beyond the veil of the human condition. That being said, I feel it is my responsibility as a space-holder and facilitator to make this space as inclusive and trauma-informed as possible.

This is a BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ friendly space. 🤎 🏳️‍🌈

I grew up a queer, philosophically-inclined star child attempting to navigate a heavily Christian upbringing…so I understand a thing or two about feeling like the black sheep. 🐑

This life experience informs all of my work, and allows me to connect more deeply with those of you navigating the deconstruction and deconditioning of familial or cultural belief systems that no longer align with your spirit. I always strive to filter my work through a culturally-sensitive lens, honoring your unique experiences that I myself may not have personally experienced.

If we are touching areas that I feel I am not qualified to properly assist you in navigating, I have a series of direct resources (therapists, healers, nutritionists, herbalists, etc.) who can assist you in going deeper into these areas for your personal healing and evolution.

Honoring Personal Autonomy + Sovereignty

It is important to note up front that plant medicines and herbal allies are not “quick fix pills”. In our modern culture, we are very accustomed to finding simple fixes for masking symptoms that leave long-term negative effects. In the realm of plant spirits, patience and deep-rooted healing take precedent over a sense of urgency. This is how real, sustainable transformation occurs - root deep, doing the work in the midnight garden of the unconscious.

As you work with plant spirits, you are entering into a two-way relationship in which you must actively choose whether or not you want to embody the lessons and wisdom gained from your experience. This is the integration piece - and it is vital to ALL plant medicine experiences, not just the psychedelic ones.

As a medicine keeper, I recognize and hold deep reverence for the weight of responsibility I carry to hold each recipient with the utmost care and compassion, honoring the sacredness of each individual.

🌿 I vow to never intentionally harm, mislead, or manipulate recipients before, during, or after our time together.

🌿 I vow to operate as a clear instrument through which the medicine and universal energies may flow in order that you may receive exactly what you need during our time together.

🌿 I vow to remain in right relationship with Pachamama, only taking what is needed, using all parts of the plant medicines I work with, and giving back in sacred reciprocity

Land + Lineage Acknowledgement

I give thanks and gratitude to the earth keepers before me who tended to the land on which I live. I honor the Crete and Cherokee Nations for their perseverance and remaining in the Beauty Way. I see you and call your medicine into this healing work for all peoples of all nations.

I give thanks and gratitude to all of my teachers, mentors, and the wisdom keepers who have initiated me into this path of healing work. Deep reverence to the Earthkeepers of Peru - the Q’ero - and the Mopa Maya lineage for upholding and carrying the wisdom of the original instructions.