Navigating spiritual awakening as a sensitive person or empath can be intense…

Without community or support, awakening can feel raw, vulnerable, scary, confusing, and isolating. As a highly sensitive person or empath, these sensations and energies are intensified even more.

In the Western world, we are severely lacking in resources or education when it comes to navigating a kundalini activation or spiritual awakening. Many people are turning to the wisdom of ancient shamanic and Eastern practices for guidance and a deeper context into how to traverse the rocky terrain that is awakening.

Medicine Magick is here to support highly sensitive individuals and empaths in their spiritual awakening journey, so they can feel empowered to embrace their medicine and reclaim their energetic sovereignty.

You’ve come to the right place!

My name is Natalie Mangiaracina and I’m the founder of Medicine Magick. I’m an HSP, energy medicine practitioner, and a modern medicine woman who came upon this path through my own personal experience with a spontaneous kundalini rising.

My approach to awakening incorporates a variety of different transformational modalities, including:

🤲 Energy Medicine

🪶 Shamanic Healing

🌿 Sacred Ceremonies

🧚‍♂️ Magick

🧘🏼‍♀️ Eastern Philosophy

My Intention with Medicine Magick…

Medicine Magick is inspired by my personal experiences of navigating a spiritual awakening as a highly sensitive individual. For years I dealt with depression and felt disconnected from my Earth body. When I began to explore Eastern spirituality and shamanism, my life completely changed. I felt empowered to step more fully into my medicine and embrace my sensitivity as a beautiful gift, rather than a curse.

My mission is to help you reconnect you with your spirit, so you too can step into your medicine and reclaim your energetic sovereignty!

Together we are building a powerful community of authentic, beautifully sensitive beings who are not afraid to take radical self-responsibility and make this world a better place for ALL.

If you’re interested in learning more about my background, lineage connections, and certifications, you can check that out here.

Claim Your Free eBook!

Are you easily overwhelmed or overstimulated by sounds, lights, and energies around you? Do you tend to pick up energies from other people, leaving you feeling drained at the end of the day? Then this eBook is for you! Enter your email below to receive your free copy.

Scour the Virtual Library…

Working with Elementals

Learn more about working with mystical beings of the natural elements ~ Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Elementals include beings such as gnomes, nymphs, sprites, dryads, sylphs, salamanders (to name a few).

Working with Plant Medicines

Curious how plant allies might assist you in your magick practice? Dive deeper into the ins and outs of connecting with the wonderful world of plants!

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